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(2 edits) (+1)

pls make real task. + crewmate, more maps, sabotage, chat bot bot chating, repote buttin

pls and thx u 

There's like 2 of those I can fulfill (if I do a major update to the game) and that's Sabotage and More maps. Crewmate doesn't work well for single player and I'm not creating a whole chatbot system cause that would take to long. Also tasks don't work as imposter. And report button is a maybe 

just use freeplay


The AI crewmates in freeplay just stand there though.

Thank u for explaining it. I had to explain to like 5 people that freeplay isn't the same thing

yes i thought so because i as like "wait how would they find the bodys"


can you like, make it so you can actually converse?

You do reliaze they are bots right? So what would they even say.

I keep getting the glitch, and its game breaking.

Yeah I'm still working on fixing it. Refresh the page is all I can say for now.

yes is cool but this glitch is sad

So the glitch is happening again, it only happens (for me anyway) when two or more bodies are found. Try looking in the 'body reported' or 'body found' algorithm. Great job btw

Ok I'll look into it whenever I can thanks for informing me.

No problem. And if I may add a tip, you dont have to do it, but you could add more movement patterns to the cpu's. They could be set patterns like the first one but it would add a ton more variety to the game. I understand that its a small game but you can add anything or nothing, just some advise!

(1 edit)

If I add more levels the CPUs will have different movement patterns for each level. Although Idk how I could make a randomized movement system work considering the way it currently functions, but thanks for the tip

np, I was thinking that you have more than one set pattern of movement that gets alternated so it isnt the same predictable pattern over again. Your doing great at what you've done though!

what is this, GLITCH you keep getting?

Basically it'll be a blank screen when the body gets reported and all u see is space and u have to restart the game otherwise ur stuck like that.

If you kill more than one person before a dead body is called you get a blank space screen and nothing happens. I'm thinking it has something to do with the dead body procedure but I didn't make the game so I dont know

This is a game for all the people who leave when they don't get imposter

Jk jk but seriously well done haha. This is a good game and I enjoyed it


Honestly, your not wrong. Also I'm glad u liked it

nice game but that alphabetical are 8 bit not bad 

This was a lot of fun and really well-made! Thanks!

I'm glad u liked it :)

I Love It Thx :)

I'm glad u like it :)

Tbh, Thank you for this

Idk what there is to Thank me for?? But ur welcome I guess

This is really good and fun, good job.

Thanks :)

Nice try

It's Okay. Apart from the fact that the AI is so predictable. It makes a good puzzle game. Just add more levels...

Yeah I wanted it to be more of a stealth game than the original mostly cause that would work better for single player. The predictable Ai movement is so u can strategize ur attacks

make it bigger, add more npc, and make the ship bigger.

If I ever update the game I'll probably add more to it

you should put in sabotages

(1 edit) (+1)

I mean that level of Ai movement for the crewmates is complex but not impossible. If I ever update the game I'll go back and try to add them


I killed 3 people in a row and nothing happened when the body got reported

That was the most adrenaline i've ever had

(3 edits)

Okay so I think u may have just found the cause of a glitch a lot of people are having so thank u. I'll fix the bug whenever I can.

i love this game! but can you make the map bigger and can you add the ability to change your color??

Can you tell me how you did this? I'm planning on making something like this with multiple other features! Please answer what you used to make this...

Here's the Devlog 

and the engine I used is Construct 3

My second win! (This is hard)

Good job :)


I think I found a BugIts stuck like that



(1 edit)

Yeah It's happened to a few people including myself. I don't know what's causing it but when I figure it out Ill fix it. Also Refresh the page it'll restart the game.

it happened to me t

this is awesome! this is like AN awesome game than playing the original

(1 edit)

Thanks :) I'm glad u liked it 

true I like being impostor!

(its AWESOME) you are nice I noticed it too!

Thanks for replying to me!


Deleted post

Thanks :)

i am the impostor >:)

Yes, yes you are

Cool I Love it

Thanks :)

I LOVE IT! can you make it an am instead of a web gameplay?

(2 edits)

Well honestly, web gameplay is easier to set up and a downloadable version is just overly complex for most people. Also I'm glad u liked it

made another video on it thx for the content

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SO hard but SO fun

I'm glad u liked it :)

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your welcome

great game I enjoyed playing.

Thanks :)

new style but really cool


new style but bad vid

donwload  please

descarga porfavor


can you add pls tasks and you can be crew mate or imposter

Not being a crewmate is a design choice because it wouldn't work in a single player aspect



Thanks :)

Really cool game! If you were to add tasks this would be even better. But still, this is a great game!

Idk how a task system would work since the player is the imposter and all the crewmates are Ai, but I appreciate the feedback I'm glad you enjoyed it.

I was sort of thinking that it would be randomized if your a crewmate or a imposter, but whatever. Its still a good recreation.

gg but when you get to blue and orange it is super hard but i was able to win


gg means good game

(1 edit)

Oh I knew that I just had a brain fart lol

your good could you come to mine and help me?

this is cool but how do we avoid from being caught?

(1 edit)

Read the How to Play section in the in game main menu it'll explain how that works

thx i will look at it

big fan

love it

I'm glad you like it :)

what was this made in

Construct 3


Nice fan game. It is hard to click the kill button in the game but otherwise it was fun to find a way to steatly get every character.  Maybe you can allow a key on the keyboard to be used as the kill button.  I had fun playing this short game, great job.

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm glad you enjoyed it, Also I was trying to replicate the kill button system of the original game but I do like the idea of a button on the keyboard as a alternative I'll keep that in mind if I ever update the game.

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